Frequently Asked Questions

Read the most frequently asked questions about The Women’s Leadership Program here.


The Women’s Leadership Program is designed for any woman with a desire to
connect more with herself, rediscover her strengths and develop
her vision. In this, it is important that you have several years of experience as a leader. Whether that
is within a large corporate, a new startup or as an independent entrepreneur,
doesn’t matter. Just all the different functions, industries, motivations and experiences
from the past give an awful lot of unique insights to the group. And we are always
open to a personal consultation in which one of the coaches listens with all her heart
to your desires and leadership challenges. Then together
we can discover if it will help you move forward. Schedule your call here. We’d love to meet with you

The investment for participation in The Women’s Leadership Program in 2024 is €4,950 excluding VAT. This includes all the training days (8.5 days), the five individual coaching calls, the weekly email challenges and continuous support. I am for the duration of the entire program, so about six months, really your coach and am there for you when you need me.

The right time is there when you make it the right time. When you consider it important
enough to make this time and investment in yourself a priority. For one it
is the right time when she has just started in a new job because she could use some extra
support to avoid stepping into old traps. And for another, it is precisely
when she has already gained some experience in the job so that she feels in control and experiences
space to work with herself. Whatever stage of life you are in, the
is mostly about realizing that you deserve it. In the busy life you lead, there are always
other responsibilities, obligations and expectations. And we women are often
good at cutting ourselves away and adjusting to the expectations of an
other person, thereby enjoying the journey less and less ourselves. If you have any doubts that
is the right timing for you, contact us to help you through this process and
feel what it’s all about right now.

Leadership development does not usually proceed in the same way for men
and women. In part, because a woman’s psyche works differently than that of
a man. There are different inner dynamics at work that influence behavior.
Developing self-awareness therefore requires that women begin to understand and learn to use their own
inner dynamics effectively. In that process, it is
so powerful to discover what it is like to be alone with other women leaders in a
circle. Then you not only start looking at yourself through the mirror I give you, but
you get a mirror back from all kinds of still other women. It creates recognition and
understanding. And I have seen that this creates the psychological safety to lovingly explore your
inner world and feminine power. It is an environment
where you are allowed to let everything you have inside you be. And that is exactly where you will reinvent yourself as a

If you want to go for it, I will give you an offer that will also appeal to your employer
. And, of course, I will gladly help you think about how best to conduct the conversation
about this, should you feel the need.

The Women’s Leadership Program is different from other leadership programs,
because it’s not about developing skills and abilities alone. It is about you

reconnect with all the wisdom and all the leadership you already have within you.
Women who go through the program take on more challenging jobs, are more often
asked for a promotion, increase their hourly rate – sometimes even doubling it –
and all this without having obtained a new degree or title. Only because they
have come to see their value. Also, women who work with us find joy back in their
work and work environment, experience deepening in their private relationships and feel
empowered to develop the leadership and create life they desire.

Of course! We always begin with a conversation about your desires and
leadership challenges. One of our coaches listens to
your story with all her heart and soul. Schedule a no-obligation consultation here to get a feel for us
. You can ask all your questions during the call so that together we can discover if
it will help you further in your leadership challenge.

Ready to step into your next chapter? Join the waitlist today and be the first to access this transformative program.

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