In the media

Over the years, I have had my voice heard in various media outlets, where I spoke passionately about authentic leadership for women, entrepreneurship and personal growth. Whether in podcasts, interviews or articles, I enjoy sharing my insights and experiences to inspire and motivate others.

Curious about my story or my take on leadership? Take a look at the various media appearances below and discover how I share my expertise with various platforms.

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in the media


April '24

Wise Lawyers

What is needed to improve the advancement of women into partner positions?

June '23

Female Boss

Discover and develop your leadership potential

December '22

Studio Heard

I challenge women to make change in the game at work.

June '22

Female Boss

Do you doubt yourself? Escape from Imposter Syndrome!

December '20

All Is Love

On how to balance masculine and feminine energy in yourself and in your life.

Coming soon

Interview opportunities

Are you curious about my story or would you like to invite me for an interview?
Please feel free to contact me!

in the media


June 2022

Holistik Magazine

Female leadership: how to learn to trust your inner compass

June 2022


Women again feel free to live and lead from their own power.

June 2022


“The leadership our world needs has long been in women.”

May/June 2022

Marie Claire

Inspiring Women, why these times yearn for female leader.

March 2020


3 successful women on female leadership on International Women’s Day.

February 2019

Happinez Magazine

Leadership coach Carla Clarissa, “Deploy love as power.

Coming soon

Interview opportunities

Are you curious about my story or would you like to invite me for an interview?
Please feel free to contact me!

Article title

Brief summary of the article’s content.

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Brief summary of the article’s content.

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Brief summary of the article’s content.

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Brief summary of the article’s content.

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Brief summary of the article’s content.

Article title

Brief summary of the article’s content.

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Wherever you may have come across my story:

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